Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shaan's 1st Birthday Party and Jinder and Snehs' 25th Anniversary Party

We tried to do two parties in one night. First we went to cousin Shaan's 1st birthday party. Alisha had a good time there and even fed Shaan some cake.
Here is Shaan with his Mommy and Daddy.
Next we headed to Jinder and Sneh's (Amit's Uncle and Aunt) 25th Anniversary party. Where Alisha hung out with her Swati Bua (aunt) and danced with Sushma Maci (aunt).

We got a picture with Sneh Chachi (aunt). Alisha got kind of cranky towards the end. It was a long night....and we may not do two parties in one night again. But never say never.....right?