Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hey You! I got Tooth #2

Alisha is pointing....I don't think she understands exactly why or at what she is pointing...but she thinks it's hilarious when mom and dad pretend to bite her pointer finger when she sticks it in our face. TOO CUTE!! Alisha has also gotten her second tooth. So she's got one on the bottom on one on the top right in the front of her mouth. She's doing pretty well with pain, we haven't given her any Tylenol...just a little baby orajel (which seems to do the trick). Her sleeping is completely unpredictable though, one night we get 7 hours, the next she's up every 2/3 hours. Hopefully when teething has subsided we can get back to the 7 hour nights!


Monica said...

awww ...what a CUTIE! ...I miss Alisha and can't wait to play with her! I love her pointing picture, and the ones in the cart!