Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hey You! I got Tooth #2

Alisha is pointing....I don't think she understands exactly why or at what she is pointing...but she thinks it's hilarious when mom and dad pretend to bite her pointer finger when she sticks it in our face. TOO CUTE!! Alisha has also gotten her second tooth. So she's got one on the bottom on one on the top right in the front of her mouth. She's doing pretty well with pain, we haven't given her any Tylenol...just a little baby orajel (which seems to do the trick). Her sleeping is completely unpredictable though, one night we get 7 hours, the next she's up every 2/3 hours. Hopefully when teething has subsided we can get back to the 7 hour nights!

8 Months Old and riding in the cart!

Alisha is 8 months old and she is growing bigger and doing new things by the minute. In honor of turning 8 months old Alisha has also gotten her first tooth. It's been hard to get a picture of it. As soon as we do we promise to share it. Alisha also went for her very first cart ride. She seemed to do just fine, although she decided that enough was enough and wanted to be picked up by daddy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Under the Weather :(

Alisha has had her very first cold since Sunday. Poor thing. She is all stuffed up and runny. Mommy and Daddy wish they could fix it so she could feel better. It hasn't affected her mood though. She is happy to play, jump like crazy in her jumperoo, and crawl all over the main floor of our house. Hope you feel better soon baby girl!

First Trip to the Mall

Amit and I took Alisha to Potomac Mills Mall this past Saturday. It was Alisha's first time at the mall. Had I known it was tax-free weekend I probably wouldn't have taken her. She was very quiet and just took in everything she saw, which was lots and lots of people. There is only one picture of her. After she had gotten some lunch she was in better spirits.

Visit to Romi Bua's House

This past Saturday Alisha made her first visit to Romi bua, Sid uncle, and Tiger's house. She had a lot of fun with her cousin, Rayan. They played a ton and seemed to have a great time!


For those that don't know Rakhi is an Indian Holiday that celebrates the bond between brother and sister.

Here is a little history " It is said that when Alexander invaded India in 326 B.C., his wife tied a Rakhi to the king Porus and in return, Porus promised to protect her and her husband. We also have various such examples of tying knots or threads, especially in the history of Rajputana. The most famous of them is the story of the Queen Karnavati of Chittor, who sent a Rakhi to the Mughal emperor Humayun, to save her kingdom from the invasion of Bahadur Shah of Gujarat. That particular day of Purnima was celebrated as Raksha Bandhan first in Marwar and then, all over Rajasthan. Finally, it came to celebrated all over India."

So it was Alisha's very first Rakhi and she had two brand new brother's to ring it in with. Her first go at it was with her cousin, Shaan. She did a good job and then sat and played while mommy tied Rakhi to her brothers and cousins.

Later that evening Alisha met up with her cousin Rayan to also do Rakhi with him for the first time.