Monday, July 6, 2009


I meant to go back in time and update Alisha's blog with past posts. Well...that didn't work out so I am posting highlights via photos and we'll start from here. Enjoy!

Happy Valentine's Day
First Visit with Cousin Rayan.

Party Time!3 Months Old
Visit from Auntie Frannie.
Chillin out before a visit to Alisha's buddy Daniel.

This IS what Cute Looks Like.Happy Mother's Day Mama!Happy Mother's Day to you too Grandma!
Just cuz.Rice Cereal for the first time....yummy!
Lovin my Daddy!Bath Time Fun!
Rockin' My Shades!
Putting on a Fashion Show...Thanks for the Outfit Nani!
Just Being Cute for the Camera.
After her 6 Month was Good to See She Didn't lose her Appetite.
Happy Father's Day Daddy!Hanging out with my Mommy at Frying Pan Park.

Haning Out with My New Friend Sierra.

Playing with Nani.
Hanging out at the Pool.
My Summer Hat. :)Meeting Buddy for the First Time.


Anonymous said...
