Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Catching Up

Alisha has been a busy little girl and just hasn't had time to catch up with her blog. So here she goes... A couple of weeks ago Alisha spent time with Dadu, Dadi, and Mona Bua at her barbecue. The next weekend Alisha went to Nikki's Bua's house to wish her a happy birthday. Happy Birthday Nikki Bua! Then she spent some time being mommy's fashion model and daddy's too.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Our baby girl is just getting bigger and bigger. I am amazed at how she is growing so fast and time is just flying. Here she is at 7 months old and just as beautiful and as fun as ever. She is sitting up all by herself these days, laughing tons, lots of baby talk, we are trying to get to her crawl (although at this point I think she is figuring out how to be up on all fours), so we are almost there. I would like to say a special thank you to Alisha's Dadi and Dadu for taking care of her during the week while Amit and I are at work. Thanks to Dadi Alisha is even getting to try some Indian food. Next on the list we will try to start intruducing some meat to Alisha's diet. We'll keep you posted on her progress.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I could not resist posting these pictures. I bought Alisha these sunglasses not knowing how big they were, but oh my, they were worth the laugh.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July. Alisha spent her very first 4th of July going out to lunch with Mommy, Daddy, and her Uncle Peniel. After that we went home to relax for a while before heading to Sachin, Puneet, and Nitin Mama's house for fireworks. Alisha didn't care much for the fireworks but did get to hang out with her cousin Shaan. Mommy made lots of fun and festive deserts. Here are some pix of those too.


I meant to go back in time and update Alisha's blog with past posts. Well...that didn't work out so I am posting highlights via photos and we'll start from here. Enjoy!

Happy Valentine's Day
First Visit with Cousin Rayan.

Party Time!3 Months Old
Visit from Auntie Frannie.
Chillin out before a visit to Alisha's buddy Daniel.

This IS what Cute Looks Like.Happy Mother's Day Mama!Happy Mother's Day to you too Grandma!
Just cuz.Rice Cereal for the first time....yummy!
Lovin my Daddy!Bath Time Fun!
Rockin' My Shades!
Putting on a Fashion Show...Thanks for the Outfit Nani!
Just Being Cute for the Camera.
After her 6 Month Shots...it was Good to See She Didn't lose her Appetite.
Happy Father's Day Daddy!Hanging out with my Mommy at Frying Pan Park.

Haning Out with My New Friend Sierra.

Playing with Nani.
Hanging out at the Pool.
My Summer Hat. :)Meeting Buddy for the First Time.