Saturday, May 2, 2009

Maternity Leave

I have to thank my mom and Alisha for their good timing. Because Amit has his own business he had already let me know that he wasn't going to be taking too much time off. My mom gets some time off between Christmas and New Years and it worked out great because she was able to come over almost everyday and be with Alisha and I. She would make sure I ate, which wasn't a big priority at the time for me. I was busy trying to get on a pumping schedule. My attempts at breast feeding did not work and I figured it wasn't worth the stress to me or Alisha to keep trying. I was happy that at least she was getting breast milk. Alisha slept a lot but I had the nesting bug and probably spent more time cleaning in the months after she was born than I had in my whole life. Night time feedings and the days are now a blur.