Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A trip to the Zoo!

We took a trip to the zoo one hot summer day. It was really hot!! Alisha got to see pandas, tigers, lions, and elephants. She really enjoyed herself and was excited to see all of the animals.

Here is a video of Alisha seeing a real live elephant!!

Shaan's 1st Birthday Party and Jinder and Snehs' 25th Anniversary Party

We tried to do two parties in one night. First we went to cousin Shaan's 1st birthday party. Alisha had a good time there and even fed Shaan some cake.
Here is Shaan with his Mommy and Daddy.
Next we headed to Jinder and Sneh's (Amit's Uncle and Aunt) 25th Anniversary party. Where Alisha hung out with her Swati Bua (aunt) and danced with Sushma Maci (aunt).

We got a picture with Sneh Chachi (aunt). Alisha got kind of cranky towards the end. It was a long night....and we may not do two parties in one night again. But never say never.....right?

Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm a Smart Cookie

Alisha and I were home one day when she was sick...but we still managed to have little fun!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Audrey's Birthday Party!

Audrey's 5th Birthday Party was at the Loudon Fun Bounce. It was really fun. I took Alisha on the inflatable slide and she loved it. She also enjoyed the ice.

Looking for Mommy....Happy 5th Birthday Audrey!!
Making friends with Deepa Auntie...
Hanging out with Auntie K in the moonbounce (it was shaped like a birthday cake...how cute!)
Shaan had a good time too!

Alisha enjoying one of her most favorite things.....ICE!

Easter Egg Hunt

For Easter we went to my Mamaji and Mamiji's house. My sister-in-law Karina set up a Easter Egg hunt for all the little cousins. Alisha didn't really "get it" but she had fun!!

Getting some advice from cousin Maya...Okay...on the hunt!Where are the eggs Mommy!?!Still Looking...
Taking a break with Puneet Mama, Deepa Auntie, and Cousin Om.

A Trip to the Duck Pond

We like to take Alisha to the duck pond near our house. Here are some pictures from a little while ago.

Checking out the duckies...Taking pictures with Mommy...

Looking at the gigantic fish in the water.
and of course a picture with Daddy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pix for Fun