Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pix for Fun

Friday, April 2, 2010

Alisha IS walking

Here is a video of Alisha walking...apologies in advace because I know it is sideways.

Visits to Grandma

Alisha watching Elmo videos with Grandpa.

Taking a ride on the slide.

Grandma pushing Alisha on the swing.

Normally on Saturday mornings I take Alisha to her grandma's house. We go to the the playground when the weather is nice.

Random Shots

Mommy....skinny jeans don't work on babies. Yes Alisha I know...but man, they are so cute!!

Here is Alisha modeling for her mommy.
Alisha in her toybox. She'll climb in and then I run around the living room with her. She loves it.

Alisha's hair is getting longer and longer so we like to put headbands on her to keep it out of her face. Her hair also has curls in it, which I think is ADORABLE!

These are some pictures we've taken in the last few months...

Professional Pictures from Alisha's Birthday

These are some photos from Alisha's Birthday we celebrated with family at Bollywood Bistro in Fairfax, VA.

Cousin Rayan's Birthday

In January we celebrated Cousin Rayan's Birthday. Alisha had a great time and even got to dress up in an Indian lengha that her Sachin mama and Karina mami got for her.

Not the Baby Anymore

This is a video of Alisha on her birthday. She really surprised me when she started patting her stuffed animal and treating it like a baby. I never taught her that....but she must be paying attention to what we do. It's too cute!