Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gymboree Party: Birthday Part II

Alisha enjoying bubbles.

This was her Sesame Street cake, of course with Elmo.

Alisha enjoying herself at Gymboree.

Playing with everyone.

Glad to see Cousins Shaan, Maya, and Rayan had a great time too.

We celebrated Alisha's birthday at Gymboree. She had a blast playing with her friends, cousins, daddy, and aunts and uncles. It was great time and I think everyone had a lot of fun.

My SECOND Christmas

Although many people thought it was Alisha's 1st Christmas it was actually her 2nd. She was 10 days old for her 1st Christmas (http://alishasatija.blogspot.com/2009/05/alishas-1st-christmas.html ) This Christmas Alisha hosted her first Secret Santa party with all her Daddy's cousins. It was also the beginning of her first secret santa with her cousin Rayan. She spent time with her grandparents in the morning and partied at night.

It's my Birthday and I'm 1!!

Alisha had three birthday celebrations. The first was on her actual birthday 12.15.08. Her grandparents, bua, mamaji, and uncle came over to celebrate with her.

She ate cake and enjoyed playing with her new gifts.

She played with all the balloons her Daddy bought for her and was excited to receive her first doll from her Mona Bua.

She got to spend time with her Dadu and Dadi,

Mona Bua, and Arvi Uncle,

Grandma, and Mamaji.