Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Diwalli!

Alisha spent her first Diwalli with family. We visited both sets of Grandparents and then in the evening we went to a family party.

Having some fun with Dadu.

Alisha with her Dadu &Dadi and ealier in the day Alisha with her Nana and Nani.

Grandma's just love their Alisha.

A Look Back....Amit Mamaji's Birthday and Sitting in the High Chair for the First Time

Alisha's Amit Mamaji's Birthday was back in August and here are a few pictures from us celebrating with him. This also was the first time Alisha sat in a high chair at a restaurant. She did great!

Grandma was happy to see Alisha too!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10 Months Old...and Getting Cuter by the Minute!

Amit took some pictures of Alisha this morning and she looked too cute in her hat and monkey shirt! Alisha is 10 months old now...and I can't believe it. In no time she'll be 1. Here she is.....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just for Fun!

Check out our Cutie Patootie on her new toy!!

Lots of Updates to Come....To Tide You Over, Pix from Alisha's 1st Vacation

Alisha had a lot of fun at the beach and she got to spend tons of time with Mommy and Daddy. We went to Corolla, NC (OBX). She went to the beach, to the pool, to the aquarium (which she loved), and even out to dinner. She also got to spend time with her cousin, Rayan. Alisha surprisingly also did very well in the car and slept most of the time. All in all it was a great trip and a lot of fun!